My SIL Decided to Ruin My Wedding Because I’m Not Good Enough for Her Brother

From the moment I met Collin’s sister, Meredith, I had hoped we would become a close-knit family. But my dreams of a harmonious relationship quickly turned into a nightmare. Meredith arrived just two days before the wedding, and the tension started brewing almost immediately.

Meredith was unnervingly close to Collin. They had an almost unsettling level of familiarity—tickling each other, sharing beds, even taking baths together. To say it made me uncomfortable would be an understatement. Adding to my dismay, Meredith treated me like I was invisible, constantly putting me down in ways that felt both personal and cruel. And through it all, Collin just stood by, allowing it to happen without stepping in to defend me.

I tried to be patient, hoping that things would improve, but they only got worse. I was at my breaking point when, one evening, I locked myself in my room, tears streaming down my face as I tried to escape the hurtful words Meredith had thrown at me.

Collin knocked and entered, his face a mix of concern and determination. “Meredith wants to be the maid of honor,” he announced.

I was taken aback. “I already have a maid of honor—my best friend. The wedding is in a week. I’m not changing it.”

Collin’s brow furrowed. “Why not?”

“Because I don’t want to, and it’s clear Meredith doesn’t like me,” I said firmly.

“That’s not true!” Collin argued. “She’s my family.”

“And who am I, Collin? I’m the one you’ll be living with for the rest of your life, not her,” I retorted, frustration edging my voice.

“Well, Meredith wants to move in with us after the wedding,” Collin said, almost casually.

I was stunned. “Are you out of your mind?! NO WAY!” I exclaimed.

Collin stormed out, slamming the door behind him. My heart was pounding in my chest. I didn’t know how things could get worse until I went downstairs later and overheard a conversation between Collin and Meredith.

“She’s so stubborn,” Meredith said with a dismissive tone.

“She’s not good enough for you,” Meredith continued, her voice dripping with contempt.

Collin sighed. “She’s so stubborn.”

“You need to give her an ultimatum, Collin. Either I’m the maid of honor, or there’s no wedding,” Meredith advised coldly.

My blood ran cold. I felt a mix of rage and betrayal as I processed what I had just heard. Without thinking, I marched into the room, my voice trembling with anger.

“I’VE HAD ENOUGH!” I shouted, confronting both Collin and Meredith.

Collin looked taken aback, while Meredith’s smirk faltered slightly. “I’ve been nothing but patient and understanding,” I continued, my voice rising. “But now I see that you’re more interested in pleasing Meredith than in respecting me and our relationship. I will not be part of a marriage where I’m constantly put second to someone who treats me like dirt!”

Collin tried to speak, but I cut him off. “If you want to choose Meredith over me, then maybe this wedding isn’t meant to happen. I’m done with this nonsense.”

The room was silent, the weight of my words hanging heavily in the air. I could see the shock on their faces and knew that things would never be the same.

Collin and Meredith’s response would determine our future, but I had made my stance clear. I wasn’t going to be anyone’s doormat, and I wasn’t going to sacrifice my own happiness for the sake of someone who clearly had no respect for me. The ball was now in Collin’s court, and whatever happened next would decide if our future together was even possible.

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