MY 18-YEAR-OLD DAUGHTER MARRIED THIS OLD MAN!! My young daughter dropped the bomb that she was marrying a 70-year-old guy. To say I was floored would be putting it mildly. I rushed to convince her not to do it! Me: “Honey, why this old guy? He’s gonna need looking after soon, and you’ll be stuck as his nurse for life!” Her: “If I hear one more word against him, you’re cut off. I love him, just deal with it!” I was at my wit’s end! I decided to have a word with him, to get him to see reason and not mess up my kid’s future. So, I headed to his place, and just as I was about to knock, I caught a snippet of his call. Oh God, I still can’t believe what I’d heard. Here’s what he said👇

My 18-year-old daughter fell in love with a 60-year-old man and was marrying him against my wishes. She claimed she was madly in love with this guy. I was shocked …

MY 18-YEAR-OLD DAUGHTER MARRIED THIS OLD MAN!! My young daughter dropped the bomb that she was marrying a 70-year-old guy. To say I was floored would be putting it mildly. I rushed to convince her not to do it! Me: “Honey, why this old guy? He’s gonna need looking after soon, and you’ll be stuck as his nurse for life!” Her: “If I hear one more word against him, you’re cut off. I love him, just deal with it!” I was at my wit’s end! I decided to have a word with him, to get him to see reason and not mess up my kid’s future. So, I headed to his place, and just as I was about to knock, I caught a snippet of his call. Oh God, I still can’t believe what I’d heard. Here’s what he said👇 Read More